
2020年10月31日—Googleocrapiforandroid(Imagetotextconversion)·1·HowtoExtractName,PhoneNumberandEmailAddressFromVisionOCRresulttextin ...,2022年4月18日—SoyouwanttousetheGoogleCloudVisionAPIfromAndroid?Thenthissampleisforyou.It'saminimalsingle-activitysamplethatshows ...,2021年6月17日—Ablockoftext(thinkofitasaparagraph)asdeemedbytheOCRengine.TextRecognizer,FindsandrecognizestextinasuppliedFrame ....

How to parse name, phone number email from name card ...

2020年10月31日 — Google ocr api for android(Image to text conversion) · 1 · How to Extract Name,Phone Number and Email Address From Vision OCR result text in ...


2022年4月18日 — So you want to use the Google Cloud Vision API from Android? Then this sample is for you. It's a minimal single-activity sample that shows ...

2021年6月17日 — A block of text (think of it as a paragraph) as deemed by the OCR engine. TextRecognizer, Finds and recognizes text in a supplied Frame ...

Text Recognition for Android using Google Mobile Vision

2017年12月30日 — For this week's write-up we will create a simple Android app that uses Google Mobile Vision API's for Optical character recognition(OCR).

採用Google AI 技術的OCR

OCR (光學字元辨識) 解決方案採用Google AI 技術,可協助您大規模擷取文字及取得適用於業務的深入分析結果。


OCR-Android-Application-Using-Google-Vision-API - it is an android application use to detect text from anything using your smartphones camera.

OCR app in android studio using Google Vision Api

2021年7月16日 — I have created a simple app for OCR with Google vision API. My issue is that my images have greek characters and the app is recognizing them ...

Detect text in images

The Vision API can detect and extract text from images. There are two annotation features that support optical character recognition (OCR):. TEXT_DETECTION ...

Recognize text in images with ML Kit on Android

<application ...> ... <meta-data android:value=ocr > <!-- To use multiple models: android:value=ocr ...